Gina Socrates
St Helier, Jersey

From expansive seascapes to distant portraits and character observations.
About Gina Socrates
As a photographer, Gina Socrates draws inspiration from the island of Jersey on which she lives: it is sometimes soft and delicate, sometimes harsh and rugged coastline, it is traditional and contemporary architecture, it is abundant flora and the individual characters of the locals.
Often, Gina interprets her subjects in a way that renders them almost abstract by focusing on details and minutiae which may otherwise pass unnoticed. The results are images that become visual riddles which entice the viewer to explore and interpret them, while at the same time maintaining an aesthetic
quality which can be appreciated in its own right.
Conversely, many of her photographs pull back to capture the wider picture: from expansive seascapes to distant portraits and character observations, these images seek to offer an overall view. Minimalist and sometimes stark, these photographs are often more Spartan than her abstract work through their focusing
on detail contextualised within a vast setting.
Gina Socrates is an Associate of The Royal Photographic Society.