Susan Anne McGarry


Jersey Susan Anne McGarry St Helier, Jersey


Style Abstract Realism

Medium Acrylic Pencil Wood

My work is a mixture of abstraction and realism.

About Susan Anne McGarry

Several Years Ago I Was Watching A Daytime TV Programme called “Watercolour Challenge” hosted by Hannah Gordon and became hooked on painting and colours. I had no formal art education at that time, I was in fact a complete beginner. I immediately booked daytime art classes at the Jersey Art Centre and became a member of the Jersey Society of Artists in 2002 and I still retain my membership. In 2010, after studying at Highlands College for five years, I obtained a Foundation Degree in Art and Design from Plymouth University.

It was in 2014 that I was diagnosed as suffering from Oesophageal Cancer and underwent chemotherapy and subsequent invasive surgery. In early 2015 I felt my strength and art mojo return and this led me to investigating the use of acrylics. I found this medium exciting and the vibrancy of the colour very inspiring. This involves pushing and pulling shapes, using a wide range of mark making tools to establish a pleasing design encouraging the viewer’s eye to travel around the picture. This increases my own understanding of the skills techniques and attitude which are essential tools for any painter. It also nourishes my feelings toward other painters of the past and present.

My observation during this process is just as important as the physical application of the variety of mediums I use. This process makes the design colour next; these two elements are the basis of all my work and can be more engaging than the final outcome. I frequently have no idea where this will lead until I question myself then make the decision for the next step. My response is either one of intention or intuition to what I am seeing and feeling. I think it is important to have visual clues that allow the viewer to linger and discover the various medium used, this creates a powerful image where things are concealed and revealed.

Artworks by Susan Anne McGarry
